------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIS IS SHAREWARE, NOT FREE SOFTWARE Any money paid for this CD-ROM collection was for our services only. The program authors received no fee from us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software and is produced by professional programmers, just like retail software. "Shareware" is copyrighted software which is distributed by authors through bulletin boards, online services, disk vendors, and copies passed among friends. It is similar to commercial software except you're allowed to try it before paying, this gives you the ultimate money back guarantee. With shareware you know whether it's suitable for your needs BEFORE you pay for it. The shareware system and the availability of quality shareware products depends on your willingness to register the shareware you use. It's the registration fees you pay which allow the authors to support and continue to develop exciting software products. Information about registering is contained inside the compressed files with names such as README.DOC etc. Please show your support for shareware by registering those programs you actually use and passing them on to others. MENU.EXE, packaging, artwork, disk/file layout and any programs written by CompuQuik Distributing are copyright 1993 and are the exclusive property of CompuQuik Distributing. Use for other CD- ROM's is prohibited. All programs are believed to be shareware or public domain and copyrighted by the program authors.